Finnish customs that you should know before traveling

Before knowing a new travel destination, it is very important that you know more about their culture and their customs. Being informed is the best way to prepare for a culture shock that might surprise you. However, there is nothing better than knowing firsthand how the locals of the place you visit behave. Only in this way will you discover the true value of traveling and knowing places, people and customs that you never imagined. Finland is perhaps a place we know little about, of which we should explore more. We know that you like to know new countries and enjoy the warmth of its people. Therefore, here we will show you some Finnish customs that you must know before traveling.

Finnish customs that you should know

Finland is a place full of contrasts, where things happen that may seem strange to foreigners and that despite its cold weather is full of heat that will make you feel at home. An urban and rural place, where cities are surrounded by nature and so reach the countryside will be very easy. A place where there is the sun at midnight and the winter is really dark. A mix of cultures from east and west that have forged a unique race of Finns proud of their country.

This is how the Finns are

But there is no better way to know a country than to know its inhabitants. The Finns have a reputation for being introverted, quiet, somewhat unfriendly. However, there is nothing further from reality. Within Finnish customs, you may find that its inhabitants are, in fact, very open and warm people. And maybe you can think that their way of being, makes them look reserved, maybe that is not the word that defines them better. A Finn could be calmer than reserved.

That is why, the Finns are going to feel very comfortable inviting you to their house so that you know what is perhaps, their most private place. When a Finn invites you home, you must understand that he is opening himself completely to you and wants to show you the best. You do not have to be too formal, in fact, the more relaxed and natural you are, the better it will flow with your hosts. It is not bad that they make you feel the warmth of home in such a cold land.

One of the Finnish customs is the correct use of language

The official language in Finland is Finnish. A language that has characteristics that go hand in hand with Finnish customs and culture. In general, the Finn has a very open mind, we could think that this is thanks to the fact that, for example, in his language, there are no genres. There are no words with certain sex and there is no difference between him and her. This makes communicating much easier and more inclusive.

This beautiful language is accompanied by something that characterizes the Finns. They take language seriously; they are totally sincere and always seek to correctly use the right words for every moment or situation. That is why, among other things, silence in conversations is not uncomfortable. Silence also communicates and that is why they are also used at the right time. Do not feel uncomfortable if there are moments of silence in your conversations with locals on your trip to Finland, learn to enjoy and understand them.

A curious fact, in Finnish there are 40 different words to refer to snow. Something normal if you are surrounded by it most of the time. Especially when Finn is a person who likes to surround himself and connect with nature. It is not uncommon that there are many trips to the forests, hiking, enjoy the mountain. We love the Finns!

Made in Finland

There are many things that come from this Nordic country for which they are very proud. Helsinki is a world example in design, they are the leaders in the matter and that is why there are many famous neighborhoods that prove it.

Did you know that SMS was created in Finland? Thatโ€™s right, we owe the Finns a big leap in communications, obviously, some years ago.

Santa Claus is Finnish! One of the most interesting facts is this. In this country lives Santa, specifically in Rovaniemi, Lapland.

A little warm for this cold

The Finns do not just convey warmth with their way of being. Due to the cold climate of their country, some of the Finnish customs that you will most notice are the following.

The Finns drink a lot, a lot of coffee. On average, a Finn consumes 4 to 5 coffee rates per day, which means 12 kilos of coffee per year.

And the last and perhaps most important Finnish custom, saunas. There is nothing more Finnish than the sauna. A tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation and that represents much more than physical and spiritual cleansing. The saunas have been linked to the Finnish culture for centuries.
